Daffodil Bouquet

Daffodil Bouquet


Spring mix of Daffodils wrapped in brown paper. Mix of Yellow, White, and Orange varieties.

Bouquet will fit in a 4” wide vase and are suitable for a desk, small kitchen table or bookshelf. The perfect size for a sweet gift or just to brighten up a room.

Please note that our delivery distance is within Philadelphia city limits and pick up is from our farm in West Kensington (19122.)

If choosing delivery, please input recipients information during checkout. We will follow-up within 24 hours to confirm availability on your chosen date. PLEASE CHOOSE “FLOWER DELIVERY” AS YOUR SHIPPING OPTION DURING CHECKOUT ($14.00.)

If choosing pickup, a follow-up email will be sent within 24 hours to schedule a date and time for your appointment. PLEASE CHOOSE “STORE PICKUP” AS YOUR SHIPPING OPTION AT CHECKOUT (FREE.) ADDRESS WILL BE EMAILED.

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